2018 State Tournament Trial Events
We will run the following trial events on Friday afternoon before opening ceremonies. More specifics to come on exact times, but they will likely all run at the same time, 2:30 – 4:30. Team alternates can represent their schools in these events. FPOWs are all welcome to participate.
Div B Trial Events
(Carmichael Gym #9) Aerial Scramble rules and scoresheet (updated 3/23/18) *UPDATE – no log book needed this year, and the “footprint” restriction has been removed, put your supplies in whatever box you want.*
(Dabney 120) Amazing Mechatronics B
(Withers 120) Density Lab
( Mann 301) Mystery Design
Mystery Design Update: Here is the actual challenge for States
Stuck on Science This year’s theme: Outer Space – drop off between 2 & 5 in Grand Hall of Reynolds Coliseum
Division C Trial Events
(Carmichael Gym #9) Aerial Scramble rules and scoresheet (updated 3/23/18) *UPDATE – no log book needed this year, and the “footprint” restriction has been removed, put your supplies in whatever box you want.*
(Daniels 334) Fermi Questions
(Mann 323) Mystery Design
Mystery Design Update: Here is the actual challenge for States
(Mann 216) Paper Science
Stuck on Science This year’s theme: Outer Space – drop off between 2 & 5 in Grand Hall of Reynolds Coliseum