Any charter, private, or public school as well as home school groups with grades K-12 is eligible to participate. Participation is at three levels, the Elementary School (grades 3-6)–Division A, the Middle School (grades 6-9)—Division B and the High School (grades 9-12)—Division C.
Membership per year – The cost per team will be set each year prior to registration being open.
Team registration will usually open in August and close on January 1 each year. Please be aware that you should register teams as soon as possible as tournaments research capacity and are then no longer available to register for. All registrations are to be completed online by clicking the Team Registration link in the menu above. Payment should be received by the State Office within 30 days of registering online.
Teams will register for a tournament based on their school’s county or zip code. Teams cannot opt to travel and compete at a different tournament. Extenuating circumstances require approval and can be presented to the NCSO Director for consideration (i.e. a significant date conflict with another large school event).