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Duct Tape Challenge

Division: A- Elementary

NC Essential Standards Alignment: None

Event Rules: Coming Soon

Event Score Sheet: None

Clarifications: None


Teams will arrive at the competition and be given a set of materials, including Duct Tape, and a task. They will then have a given amount of time to complete whatever task they are assigned, such as building the tallest tower, widest bridge, most buoyant boat, etc. The task parameters will be clearly outlined for the teams. At the end of the build time, teams will test their structures to determine the winner.


Teams must bring something to write with and may also bring a ruler, scissors, and a stopwatch



Common Mistakes:




Fast Facts:


Event Resources:

Duct Tape Challenge 2019 Coaches Clinic Presentation (2020 Rules)
2019 Duct Tape Challenge Tests
Duct Tape Challenge 2018 Coaches Clinic Presentation (2019 Rules)
2018 Duct Tape Challenge Rules

Tips Video
Tearing Duct Tape Video
Making Sheets of Duct Tape Video
Shaping Duct Tape Video
Making 3D Shapes Duct Tape Video
Car Challenge
Parachute Challenge
Boat Challenge
Table Challenge
