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Scoring and Ranking

All efforts are made to ensure that scores announced during a tournament’s award ceremony are accurate; however, mistakes happen, and changes may need to be made following the ceremony. Scores are only official once Final Score Appeals are decided, and Official Results are posted.

  1. Regional Tournaments:
    1. If there is a change in an individual event ranking, the student(s) originally receiving a medal will be allowed to keep that medal, and a new medal will be awarded to the official recipient(s). Medals can be picked up by coaches from the Regional Director and/or at The Science House. NCSO is also willing to mail out medals needed.
    2. If there is a change in the overall team ranking, head coaches will be notified as soon as possible following the tournament. Provisions will be arranged to exchange trophies in coordination with the Regional and State Director. Coaches will need to facilitate exchange of trophies as we are unable to ship large trophies. Teams originally receiving a bid to the State Tournament will still be invited to the State Tournament. After posting Official Results, additional bids will be extended to teams that move into a State Tournament qualifying ranking.
    3. First Place Overall Winners are selected following the posting of Official Results. Only students that earned first place overall at Regionals, as shown on the Official Results, will be allowed to advance to the State Tournament.
  2. State Tournament Level:
    1. If there is a change in an individual event ranking, the student(s) originally receiving a medal will be allowed to keep that medal, and a new medal will be awarded to the official recipient(s).
    2. If there is a change in the overall team ranking, all team coaches involved will be notified as soon as possible following the tournament. Provisions will be arranged to exchange trophies in coordination with the State Director.
      1. If Final Score Appeals change the rankings so that a team originally receiving a bid to the National Tournament is no longer in a National Qualification Ranking (usually 1st or 2nd Place), then that team’s bid to Nationals is retracted, and the team now placed in that slot will receive the bid to Nationals.