Conen Morgan Memorial Fund

All who knew Conen understood his passion for NC Science Olympiad. As a former participant, Conen’s30+ years of service to the organization was fueled byhis desire to encourage and develop young North Carolinians’ curiosity for science. In recognition of his commitment, he was honored with the Dr. Jason Painter Distinguished Service Award for exceptional dedication to science education in 2016.
Once endowed, the Conen Morgan Memorial Fund for NC Science Olympiad will provide permanent, sustainable support for NCSO and K-12 STEM programming for students who live or work in diverse environments.

“I credit Science Olympiad with giving me the courage to finish my college degree. Many times in life we overcomplicate goals. Science Olympiad reminded me that the spark for math and science starts from a very pure place and that if you break down a problem into its fundamental parts, it is much easier to conquer that task.” – Conen Morgan