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Division: Div B – Middle School

NC Essential Standards Alignment: Biology

Event Rules: See the National Rules manual. Official NC Species List (the organisms that are crossed out will NOT be on the NC test this year)

Event Score Sheet: None

National Event Page: Here

Required Materials: Not required, but each team may bring one 2019 Official National Herpetology List as well as one two-inch or smaller standard binder containing information in any form and from any source attached using the available rings. The 2019 Official National Herpetology List does not have to be secured in the binder. If the event features a rotation through a series of laboratory stations in which the participants interact with samples, specimens, or displays no material may be removed from the binder while at, or in-between, laboratory stations.

Clarifications: Eumeces are outdated for North American skinks. The only questions that will be asked about them will be family related if any.


Participants will be assessed on their knowledge of amphibians and reptiles.


Each team may bring one 2019 Official National Herpetology List as well as one two-inch or smaller standard binder containing information in any form and from any source attached using the available rings. The 2019 Official National Herpetology List does not have to be secured in the binder. If the event features a rotation through a series of laboratory stations in which the participants interact with samples, specimens, or displays no material may be removed from the binder while at, or in-between, laboratory stations.


High score wins. Predetermined questions and the quality of free-response answers will be used to break ties.

Common Mistakes:



  • Practice identifying specimens from life as well as pictures or diagrams.
  • Try splitting the list between the members of the team and becoming an expert on one half. The danger in this is what to do if one member is unable to attend the competition at the last minute.

Event Resources:

Herpetology 2018 Coaches Clinic Presentation (2019 rules)

2018 Herpetology Regional Test
2018 Herpetology State Test Answer Key
Amphibians & Reptiles of NC
The Center for North American Herpetology
The Society for the Study of Amphibians & Reptiles
NC Herpetological Society – you can become a student member!
NC Partners for Amphibians and Reptile Conservation
Partners for Amphibians and Reptile Conservation
National Wildlife Federation
Northern Praire Wildlife Research Center
NC Museum of Natural Sciences 
Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative
Living Underworld – organized and accurate information about amphibians
Reptilian circulatory system
Dichotomous Key Practice

Sample Events:
