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Planet Protectors

Division:A – ElementaryNC Essential Standards Alignment:1.L.1, 4.L.1Event Rules:Planet Protectors RulesEvent Score Sheet:NoneClarifications:None


Teams will be assessed on their knowledge of human interactions with the earth, including interacting positively and negatively with the environment, resource use, and consequences of these interactions.  This event will be run in a station format.


Teams MUST bring a writing instrument and safety goggles (indirect vent goggles). No other resources are allowed.


Points will be awarded for the accuracy of responses. Ties will be broken by the accuracy or quality of answers to questions chosen by the event leader.

Common Mistakes:



  • Be familiar with common terms.
  • When studying, make a notebook. Have different sections for helpful interactions,harmful interactions, energy sources, conservation, and other topics.

Fast Facts:


Event Resources:

2019 Coaches Clinic Presentation (2020 Rules)

2019 Planet Protectors Test
Planet Protectors 2018 Coaches Clinic Presentation (2019 Rules)
Department of Energy Energy Sources
The NEED Project
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – Good Morning America
