Data Crunchers
Division: A- Elementary
Event Rules: See Division A Event Manual
NC Standards: Mathematics curriculum: NC.4.MD.4, NC.4.NF.2, NC.5.MD.2, NC.6.SP.1-5.
SEP Practices: SEP 4, SEP 5
-What type of calculator can be used for Data Crunchers? Class 1 calculator (a basic function calculator). The rules just state “calculator” so technically any type is permitted.
Data Science is an important part of an engineer or scientist’s ability to understand the world around them. Teams should be able to create and interpret data tables, bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, and pictographs, as well as perform simple experiments to collect data, graph their results, and make predictions.
Event Leaders will provide tests and student response sheets for each team. Event leaders may also provide items such as meter tapes, meter sticks, objects to measure, and various graphs and data sets to be analyzed.
Must bring writing utensils, a calipers, a ruler and a calculator.
High score wins. Predetermined questions/stations will be used to break ties.
Interpret graphs often, any time you can find or make them. What information can we get from different kinds of graphs? Math is all around us!
Event Resources:
2024-2025 Practice Test
Understanding Distributions of Data
Accuracy and Precision
NY Times: What’s going on in this graph? – Different types of graphs are shown to help students critically think about statistics and what is going on in all these graphs.
Stats 101: Toolkit – Studying real-world problems that show statistics in action.
Statistics Education Web (STEW) – Statistics Lesson Plans
Census at School – Students use statistical problem-solving using their own data to analyze results.
This is Statistics – Why study statistics?
The World of Statistics
The American Statistics Association – More resources used in classrooms and around the globe, explaining more about the world of statistics.
I Teach Bio – List of skill-building activities for metric measurement, graphing, data, and more
Math Goodies – Bar graph practice
The Science Spot – Lesson plans on length, volume, density, etc.
Estimation practice game
How to use a micrometer