Rock Star
Division: A- Elementary School
NC Essential Standards Alignment: 3.E. 2, 4.P.2
Event Rules: Coming Soon
Clarifications: In the rock chart of the rules, Schist (the rock) should be placed on the left side. Mica (the mineral) should be on the right side.
Mica Schist is a type of rock but only DivC would ever make this distinction.
Teams will demonstrate their knowledge of rocks, minerals & the rock cycle.
Must bring writing instruments. Teams may bring 2 hand lenses and one 3-ring, 1” binder containing information in any form from any source. The materials must be 3-hole punched and inserted into the rings (sheet protectors are allowed). No actual samples may be used in the binder, but photographs and drawings are allowed.
High score wins. Predetermined questions will be used to break ties.
Create a notebook to study from. Have one page for each rock or mineral on the Official List.
Event Resources:
Coaches Guide to Rocks & Minerals
Types of Rocks
Mineral Information Institute (Great website with lesson plans, student help, information, pictures, and more)
University of Texas Geology (introduction and explanation of mineral properties)
Request a NC Rock & Mineral Kit
Geologic Maps
Rocks for Kids
NASA – Rocking the Rock Cycle
Chocolate Rock Cycle LabSee the event help page for the Middle and High School version of this event
Rocks, Minerals & Precious Stones