Science Password
Division: A- Elementary
NC Essential Standards Alignment: Vocabulary found throughout K-6 Science Essential Standards
Event Rules: Science Password Rules 2022
Event Score Sheet: None
Clarifications: Sounds can not be used as clues – Ex: don’t oink if you want your partner to say “pig.” All team members may be in the same room together using 1 computer. Only the person giving clues must be visible to the judges. This event must be monitored by a coach who will verify that the event was run with integrity.
Team members will take turns guessing verbal clues for scientific terms or concepts from across all Essential Standards for Elementary Math & Science.
Teams must be in groups of 2 or 3 in order to compete in this event. Teams may not bring anything with them to the competition. Event Leaders will provide stopwatches, 40 words printed on index cards, and score sheets.
Team with the most words guessed correctly in 4 minutes wins.
Common Mistakes:
Students get caught on a word they don’t know and forget to pass in order to move on. Students may not use any part of the actual word in the clue. Example: if the word is “thermometer” the clue cannot be “thermo.”
Fast Facts:
Event Resources:
2017 Coaches Clinic Presentation (with Work It Out and Data Crunchers)
NoneMany students will have never seen the TV game show Password, so you may want to show them a video clip from Youtube for reference.