Super Sleuths
Given a mystery scenario, evidence, and a list of possible suspects, teams will be expected to perform a series of tests to solve the crime.
Division: A- Elementary
NC Essential Standards Alignment: 3.P.2, 4.P.2, Science as Inquiry
Event Rules: See Division A Manual
Given a mystery scenario, evidence, and a list of possible suspects, teams will be expected to perform a series of tests to draw specific conclusions about the scenario and suspects. The test results, along with other evidence, will be used to solve the mystery of the scenario.
The Competition
Powders: Teams will be asked to identify up to 5 of the following powders. There will be no mixtures of powders.
Alka Seltzer (powdered) |
crystal sugar, powdered sugar |
sodium acetate |
baking soda |
flour |
sodium carbonate |
calcium carbonate |
gypsum (calcium sulfate) |
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) |
citric acid |
non-iodized table salt |
yeast |
cornstarch |
powdered milk |
epsom salt |
General Knowledge: Teams will be expected to answer questions about the tests they perform, the chemical and physical properties of the powders, and proper lab procedure.
Crime Scene Physical Evidence:
- Spatters: Analyze spatter patterns for speed and direction of impact. No calculations are expected to be performed.
- Fingerprints: Participants may be asked to match fingerprints found at a crime scene to suspects’ fingerprints. Participants may also be asked to identify different types of fingerprints (such as latent, patent, and plastic) and patterns on fingerprint evidence (such as loop, whorl, and arch).
- Analysis of the Crime: Students will answer questions about which pieces of evidence implicate which suspect, why the suspect was chosen as the culprit, and also why the other suspects were not chosen. They will also answer any other crime scene analysis questions the event supervisor poses.
Teams must bring something to write with.
- Teams may bring only specified items and goggles. No other items are allowed. The event supervisors will check the kits, and confiscate non-allowed items. Students not bringing these items will be at a disadvantage.
- Spot plates, cups, or any containers in which teams can perform the tests
- Droppers, popsicle sticks, spatulas, plastic spoons, tongs, and/or forceps for handling materials
- pH test strips or pH paper
- A ruler
- A wash bottle or dropper bottle of distilled water (don’t use tap water for this)
- Hand lens (aka magnifying glass)
- Paper towels
- A disposable cup for solid waste
- Writing instruments
- Safety gear – see rule #7.
- Each participant may bring one 8.5” x 11” two-sided page of notes containing information in any form from any source.
Students must wear the following or they cannot participate:
- Closed-toed shoes
- Safety goggles (indirect vent goggles)
- Long hair must be tied back
- Optional: aprons, gloves, and lab coats
Students who unsafely remove their safety goggles or are observed handling any of the material or equipment in a hazardous/unsafe manner (e.g., tasting chemicals or flushing solids down a drain) will be disqualified from the event.
- The team with the highest score wins. Time will not be used for scoring. The score will be composed of the following elements (percentages given are approximate):
- Analysis of chemical evidence 50%, analysis of physical evidence 30%, and analysis of the crime 20%.
- Tiebreaker: The highest score on the chemical evidence analysis will break ties.
- A 10% penalty may be given if the area is not cleaned up as designated.
When I went to purchase Sodium Acetate on Amazon, I noticed two options, anhydrous sodium acetate and sodium acetate trihydrate. Which type might be used in the event?
For most of the tests that the students will be doing, it doesn’t matter which one. Either form will give the same results for the tests that are the most useful for identifying sodium acetate. However, the one that we use for most of our labs is the Sodium Acetate, Anhydrous.
Common Mistakes:
The biggest problem elementary teams have is time management. Be prepared to divide and conquer parts of the test, or you may not get done.
Event Resources:
Elementary Safety
Powder Identification Blank Chart
Super Sleuths Powder Analysis Chart
General Sites on Forensics
Links to forensic activities for students
Age-Appropriate Blood Spatters:
How To Make Splatter
Blood Splatter: How To Analyze Splatter
Previous Years Information:
Intro to Chromatography
Polymers and Fibers:
Microscopic Images of Fibers—search for the types of fibers and select the kind of microscopic technique for the image you want.
Animal Hair Images
Hair and Fiber