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Wake – Leesville Road Tournament

Tournament Date

May 5, 2018

Regional Director(s)

Conen Morgan,


Leesville Road Elementary School


Division A Schedule

Schools Registered

Division A Teams:
This Division A tournament has a capacity of 20 teams.  This tournament is now full.

Registration as of 12/18/17:

School Teams
Baucom Elementary 1
Brassfield Elementary School 1
Brooks Museums Magnet Elementary School 2
Glenwood 2
Joyner Elementary 1
Leesville Elementary School 2
Millbrook Environmental Connections Magnet Elementary School 1
Ravenscroft School 1
The Franciscan school 1
The Raleigh School 3
Underwood Magnet Elementary School 3
Wiley Elementary School 2
York Elementary 1

Important Links

Regional Tournament Policies


I hope that you all had a great day yesterday!  I truly appreciate the group effort to make all the events run smoothly.

I have published the scores in Avogadro, so head coaches can log in and see raw score data.

For everyone else, here are the links to the spreadsheet for ranks in every event.

Separate scores – this is what medals and trophies are awarded from.  There was a tie at 5th place.  Ties are broken by the team with more 1st place medals.

Combined Scores – this ranks all varsity and JV teams together.  This is for comparison only.

If you have any questions about the scores, please have the head coach email me.  Scores become final at 5pm on Wednesday.  As a policy, we do not release tests.

I completely forgot during awards yesterday, but a huge thank you to Conen Morgan for a wonderful tournament!

Great job to you all!


Volunteer at this tournament: Sign Up Here

All Wake- Leesville coaches have received a google form with permission/photo consent information in it.  Every student on the team must have this form on file to compete!
I know that Google forms are new to some of you, so I made a tutorial video to help you.  Here is the link:
If some of your parents don’t have internet access, you can use the attached Paper copy, but please limit this unless absolutely necessary.  We have to scan every one of these papers and keep them and with 18,000 students participating this year, it’s a bit overwhelming and cumbersome.
If you have not tried to log in to Avogadro yet, please do it today!
Here is the link for Avogadro
Your login is your username, which I will send to you individually later today.  I have attached the user manual to this email, and also made a video to help you get started on this. PLEASE – do NOT create a new account.  If you do, when you log in, it tells you that you are not associated with a school, and then you have to email me to fix it.
Here is the link:
Once you fill in your team, you will be able to print a schedule for each student. This also helps you to double check that you only have 2 students in each event (except for STEM Design and Charades, which is 3). Please click ‘not showing’ in any event that your team is not participating in.
You will need to turn in the Vandalism & Behavior form signed by you, your principal, and your students. 1 per team. Form attached.
Let me know if you get stuck!