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Day 3: Team Fundraising

Join us for Kick Off Week, the official launch of the 2024 North Carolina Science Olympiad Tournament season. Today we are covering fundraising! Share how your team is prepping to take on the season and join in on the conversation using #NCSciOly24 #GoTeam #ScienceOlympiad

NCSO Fundraising Toolkit
Explore our Fundraising Toolkit! We have a ton of advice, examples and a list of resources on fundraising for a NCSO Team. Learn about sponsors, grants, to dos, peer to peer fundraising, useful links, etc.

Reach Out to Your Principal or School District
Ask your principal, school district and/or the PTA, to see if they have funds available to help support your Science Olympiad team.

Pro tip: Look into grant writing!

Charge a Small Participation Fee
Consider charging a small club fee from students/families to help raise money to cover expenses.

Pro tip: If this isn’t possible, consider a fundraising drive on Go Fund Me.

Rural Scholarship Alert
There is a limited number of scholarships for teams in certain counties in NC. Thanks to a Burroughs Wellcome Fund grant we can help support rural communities build a Science Olympiad Program. Applications close on September 18, 2023. Decisions will be announced on September 25th.

Reach Out to Local Businesses For Support
Many local businesses will sponsor or even donate materials. Not sure where to start? Ask if any of your amazing parents have any suggestions!

Host a Fundraising Event
There are many fun ways to fundraise and team build. Consider running a car wash, bake sale or even partner with a local restaurant to get proceeds! Have a brainstorming meeting to come up with ideas.