Division: C – High School
Event Rules: See National Rules Manual
National Event Page: Here
Clarifications: 2024 NC State Tree List
Participants will be assessed on their general forestry knowledge and the trees found on the NC State Tree List (which will be used for both Regional and State competitions in NC).
Each team may bring one 2″ or smaller three ring binder as measured by the interior diameter of the rings containing information in any form from any source. Sheet protectors, lamination, tabs and labels are permitted. Materials may not be removed from the binder when moving through stations. Each team may also have one commercially produced field guide which may be tabbed or annotated. Each team may bring one copy of the NC State Tree List.
High score wins.
Event Resources:
Being able to actually use field guides AND the list in this event really helps narrow it down. Start with basic tree ID and learn what characteristics to look for, which is often common info at the beginning of most field guides. We also encourage teams tag their field guides for quick reference. And really the best way for teams to learn is to make their own dichotomous key.